WreckGar – Transformers G1

Here’s another one I never had as a kid, Wreckgar – leader of the Junkbots of Junkion. He was first seen in Transformers The Movie and turns into a motorcycle. Seems like it was much more important for it to look like a motorcycle when it transformed than to look like the robot in the movie. The toy came out in 1986. By this time I wasn’t collecting Transformers. I did not really care for this character in the movie. But I picked it up a couple of years ago so I could complete the set of Generation 1 Transformers I actually wanted.

Wreckgar came out in 2010 Reveal the Shield which is far superior to the G1 release. And Target has a Exclusive version out right now Transformers Generations Platinum Edition Planet of Junk Clash that includes Hot Rod, Wreck-Gar, and Junkion Scrapheap figures which is pretty nice if you have $75 to shell out.


WreckGar 1986 Transformers G1 Autobot C-81 Hasbro Junkion Junkbots motorcycle Foreign names Japanese- Wreck-Gar(レックガー Rekkugā), French- Ferraille(Scrap), Italian- Chopper

WreckGar 1986 Transformers Generation 1 Autobot Junkion

WreckGar from The Transformers: The Movie G1 Autobot C-81 Leader of the Junkion Junkbots motorcycle Foreign names Japanese- Wreck-Gar(レックガー Rekkugā), French- Ferraille(Scrap), Italian- Chopper

WreckGar from The Transformers: The Movie Leader of the robots from Junkion

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  1. CCC February 25, 2014
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