Tag: Liverobo

Live Robo and Five Robo Sentai – 1988

Live RoboChikyuu Sentai Fiveman (地球戦隊ファイブマン Chikyū Sentai Faibuman, Earth Squadron Fiveman) and Five Robo Choujuu Sentai Liveman (超獣戦隊ライブマン Chōjū Sentai Raibuman,  Super Beast Squadron Liveman) - 1988

Live Robo and Five Robo – 1988 from Liveman & Fiveman Super Sentai shows

Here are two Super Sentai robots – the yellow one is Liveman Live Robo and the blue one is Fiveman Five Robo. They are about 19 cm or 7.5 inches. These are my cousin’s – he likes the Sentai stuff but I never really got into them (except for the ones that came out as Godaikins).  They are both entirely made of plastic and pleasantly were both still made in Japan. I’ve attached images of what they looked like on their respective shows.

Liveman Live Robo from Choujuu Sentai Liveman (超獣戦隊ライブマン Chōjū Sentai Raibuman,  Super Beast Squadron Liveman)  1988-1989

Liveman Live Robo from Super Beast Squadron Liveman 1988-1989

Fiveman FiveRobo from Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman (地球戦隊ファイブマン Chikyū Sentai Faibuman, Earth Squadron Fiveman) 1990-1991

Fiveman FiveRobo from Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman 1990-1991

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