SDF-1 – Macross Takatoku 1984

Macross SDF-1 DX 1/3000 scale 12″ Battle Fortress- Takatoku Toys 1984 Storm Attacker Construction from Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Here’s probably the holy grail of the Macross collection – the original Takatoku SDF-1. Actually, I do not think they have re-issued this toy under the Bandai or Yamato line (unlike the various VF jets). I bought this in Hong Kong in 1983 and I was very, very happy to have purchased him. When I look back at that trip to HK, I really remember there were more toy stores. When I went again in 2011, I didn’t see anywhere near the volume that I recalled as a child. I do remember though, that HK used to be a big maker of toys but not so much anymore and perhaps, that has something to do it.
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