I picked Giant Gorg up because I had the DX version. I have been meaning to take pictures of all my DX and ST robots together to see how they look. I am a big fan of most of the ST models and like to compare them to their DX brethren. Giant Gorg is not one of them. This is the only one I have seen so far where the ST version is so badly inferior to the DX. The Gorg ST is not very detailed even once you put the stickers on. They didn’t even bother to make the gun out of gray plastic. If you like the Giant Gorg, the big blue DX version is the way to go. The DX really shines in comparison to this one in detail and quality.
The robot is definitely is made of metal as it has quite a heft for a little bugger, but it’s nothing to write home about. Basically it is a big blue chunk of metal and plastic. There is almost no detail. It would have been nice if they painted a little detail on Gorg here. But it was cheap so I really can’t say too much. The anime must have been pretty bad or the anime was not that popular, because I was able to pick this up at a pretty cheap price. After a little more thought, this ST is so easy to pick up as it is just a crappy piece.
Tune in to the next
The same GORG time. The same GORG channel.
Had a good laugh about the Batman inspired text at the end of the Giant Gorg episode. So I watched a few episodes on YouTube and I kinda enjoyed it. It really is aimed at kids, but most of the anime for robots I have see really are. But this one more so than others. Think 13 year old boy and humongous effing robot. It’s like hanging around with ET who can kick everyone’s ass. Found a thoughtful review on the show here.
I had an opportunity to get the big DX version back in ’86 for something like 90 dollars. I vividly remember it was a store in Japantown (not the usual store I would usually go to) and it was upstairs on the 2nd level. Anyway, I was going to get it and the guy held it for me but I held off because he just didn’t do it for me at the time as he was just one color and he didn’t transform. Looking back, the DX version would have been a nice piece to have.
The DX version is pretty big and it is a nice piece. I just have to find it. I am sure it is in a box here in the house somewhere. I think I got it for around $100 which is probably near what you would have paid for it in the 80’s.