Here’s one of my Dinobots. I have three of them. This one is the leader Dinobot Grimlock. I purchased these from Service Merchandise in 1984 that I have in my collection. I have since dusted off these robots…here he is cleaned up.

Generation 1 Dinobots by Hasbro Slag, Sludge, Grimlock, Snarl from 1984 Autobot G1
Here is my collection of Dinobots. I am only missing Swoop. I am still looking for a good used version of him. Most pieces I have seen have issues, so I still don’t have one yet.

Generation 1 Dinobots by Hasbro Slag, Sludge, Grimlock, Snarl from 1984 Autobot G1
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Wow, they are so dusty. Grimlock needs a good cleaning buddy. CCC
I have been spending the last two days dusting my robots with a damp qtip and glasses cloth. I figured after 10-15 years, it was good to show them some love.
Put up a picture of the cleaned up robot. I wanna see how much of a difference it made.