I was going through my old paperwork and I stumbled upon my old, handwritten notes from my childhood. I forgot I kept an price list of what I paid for each robot. I’m going to go back to each of these robots and note the cost of what I originally paid as well. Listed are my Takatoku Valkyries, Takara Votoms & Popy Chogokin, Tonka Gobots and Mattel Shogun Warrior robots.
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Robots were pretty cheap back then. Wow! I didn’t know you had Albegas. Did you really get the 1/55 scale Valkyries for $20? Seems like they were a lot cheaper in Japan than they were in the USA.
Yeah, I know I had Albegas but I must have traded him…for what I can’t recall. I know you bought yours brand new right during your HK trip right? Yes, I got my Valkyries for very cheap and yes, they were MUCH cheaper in Japan than in the U.S. A hundred dollars would do you very well in Japan at that time. I’m not sure why I didn’t look at Godaikins over there – I would have liked to have seen how much they were charging for those at the time.
They weren’t that cheap from what I remember. Think the Godaikins were $50, but Albegas was $30 in Singapore I think. So I got him. I should have gotten the Godmarzor Godsigma I saw for $55-$60.