Here’s Soundwave, one of the G1 Transformers I never had as a kid. I had a loose one at some point but traded it. This re-issue comes with two of the Decepticon tapes – “Laserbeak” and “Ravage.” This is the Soundblaster version. Soundwave is upgraded to Soundblaster in later iterations of the cartoon.
I bought this in Japan at Mandarake, Akihabara branch for 52 dollars. If I were to buy him here, he’d be double the price, maybe more since I never saw him at Toys R Us when these were re-issued in the early 2000’s. I haven’t put any of the stickers because I’m afraid they will come off over time.

Soundblaster with Buzzsaw and Ravage Generation 1 Decepticons Takara 2003 The Transformers Collection

Soundblaster with Buzzsaw and Ravage Generation 1 Decepticons Takara 2003 The Transformers Collection
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