My Collection – Big O, Zaku, Valkyrie, Sasuraiger, Dancougar, Dougram, Soltic, Godaikins, Raydeen, Mirage, Jazz
Here a pix of some of my collection. You will see a Sasuraiger Batrain ST from 1983, which was my first robot. There is also an alternate color in the DX form. As info, the cartoon showed the bright green color. Also of note is a Dynaman ST from 1984, a Takatoku VF1A from Macross (which I received at Christmas in 1983), along with a Dougram (received from my cousin when they went to Hong Kong in the 80’s) and a Soltic armor from the same series. I also have a loose Mirage G1 (which I understand was never re-issued due to the molds no longer existing/lost) and Wheeljack G1.

My Collection – Leopardon, Soundblaster, Battle Fever J, Gundam RX-78, Laserion ST, Bioman ST, Dynaman ST, Raydeen, Mirage, Jazz
Wow, I did not know you had the vinyl Raideen or the die cast ST. Looks like you lost the fists. Did not know you were interested in those. CCC
The vinyl Raideen is yours but the die cast one I got from your friend that would go to HK every year or so. I think I traded him a lot of my Transformers for his superior (yet decidedly more beat up) Godaikins, Shogun Warriors etc because they were so much more heftier and detailed. I figured I could get replacement Transformers later.
I see you finally put up the right picture. Is that my Sasuraiger DX or did you get one too? What is that robot between Sasuraiger and Dougram. I can’t quite place him. I am guessing a Gundam of some type or a newer Valkyrie I have never seen before.
That Sasauraiger is mine – I got him in Japan. The robot in between Sasuraiger and Dougram is your vinyl DanCougar. That’s why I was asking if you had the original – the original one looks more hefty but looks wise, the re-issue looks better as a robot.
I forgot I got the new Dancougar. That is pretty nice. I knew that did not look like a figure from your collection. At least not one that I remember. CCC
By the way, did you add the right image? Where is your Sasuraiger, VF 1A, and the Dougram and Soltic? CCC